- check all the plugs for the power outlet of the computers, servers and devices if properly intact
UPS (Cyberpower 1500va) should be connected to server for remote administration.
Carolina Fuentes Home
Cat Vet Clinic
Celebrity Greens
Celebrity Greens
Center For Dental Restoration - Hill Crest Location
Center For Dental Restoration - La Jolla Location
Center Veterinary Clinic
Clearwater Utilities
Cliff Heiney
Coastview Vet
CoastView Veterinary Hospital
Cochise Animal Hospital
Cody Martin
Darrin Mcmurry Place
Desert Wholesale Diamond
Desert Wholesale Diamond
Diamond Coatings
Dr. Keats Home Address
Dr. Kirk Prince (Father Of Dr. Prince)
Dr. Lines Home
Elizabeth Kiley
Elizabeth Kiley
Evocative Data Center Topology
Fiduciary Advisors, LTD
Fiduciary Advisors, LTD
Foothills Animal Hospital
- check on Port DD22 at UB4 switch, as per Chris the port or the line might be dead
- printer HP LaserJet MFP M426fdw was plugged in at DD22 (Port35) and was having issues
- printer HP LaserJet MFP M426fdw is now plugged in to TT22 (Port43) at UB4
Glendale Powder Coating
Hayes Martin
Home User - Scott Dunham
Ivan Address
Ivan Address
Ivan Address
Ivan Address
Ivan Home Office
Ivan New Address
Ivan Office
Ivan Office
Ivan Office
Ivan's Office
JMT Mech
Joel Home
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layouts
Time: 3:30PM
-SBFC Office, check the UPS battery
-Meet Joel at his house at 1:30 PM
-Help him out on new printer copier that came in
- get the key for SBFC office from Joel
go to Joel's house to pick up the compressed air can to clean the printer, check your microsoft teams messages for the location of the can
Conference call with Darrin @ 11am AZ to discuss Work Order
Meet Joel at his house at 2PM.
Call him first on his cellphone before going there, to make sure he's back home.
Joel House
John Stepart
- bring the laptop of Dr John Stepart to this location 6232 N 7th St., Suite 206B, AFTER the onsite visit on 59th Thomas
- Dr. Stepart Mobile # 602-770-7150
John Stepart Home
Katz And Dogs Wellness Clinic
Kimberley Anderson
La Jolla Vet Hospital
Little Critters Veterinary Hospital
Palm Dental
PaloVerde Pets Office
Paramount Recovery Services
Phoenix Internet
Phoenix Internet Address
Popar Toys
Pope Lime
Popelime Companies
Popelime Companies
Prestige Title Agency Office
Pristine Dental
Rapido 24th Thomas Office
- need to set DVR Time
- needs to be done onsite
- HP4250 2nd back up printer needs Maintenance kit
As Per Darrin, BackUP Brother MFC-8460N Already reset and added the same ip address
It is working as the Current primary printer now
- Second back up printer ( primary printer before ) Cannot set ip address as per Darrin. Need further checking.
Rapido 35th Glendale Office
- bring USB Hub for server
USB hub needed
- need to set DVR Time
- needs to be done onsite
Rapido 59th Thomas Office
- need to set DVR Time
- needs to be done onsite
- put back memory on the back up printer from the primary printer